Children Hostel

In 2015, a magnitude 8 earthquake struck Nepal, killing countless people and leaving many homeless. Based on humanitarian concerns, Sherpa Children Home was established in Kathmandu to adopt and care for children from remote areas who have nowhere to go, and hired social workers to provide emotional comfort, help attending school, and take care of their daily lives. After the children grow up or their family’s situation improves, they leave hostel and return to their family, SCH will continue to take in other children who mostly in need.

In the early days, the hostel facilities were very simple. As the children grow up, at the beginning of 2021, we found a more spacious and brighter place for the children. The accommodations and bathrooms are separately for boys and girls. The public space includes study room, computer room, kitchen, table tennis area, rooftop and so on. There is also a refrigerator in the kitchen, so that the food can be well preserved to maintain the health of the children.

During the epidemic, SCH has added 4 computers, 2 smart phones and network devices, so that the children can take school’s online courses and study without interruption, and the children are thus familiar with the operation of computers.
In addition, the hostel is also the office of SCH social workers. The hostel also serves as a temporary residence for other sponsored children from other areas. When they need to come to Kathmandu for medical treatment or internship, they can temporarily stay here.